Point-of_U ! thanks, for your Thanks ! it's great to make a comment still greater when a reply is returned. yes to be truthful your vid. you want a huge cock in sensuous movements what can be seen is damn perfect bet rest of you too. I am 78 old an ugly and not trying to make advances upon you. been a gay fruit for years. my own dick is puny . when I pee get my finger tips wet. so I envy a guy with a big manly cock such as yours. I can't but if it were possible and lived near you my nose would be peeled through your windows daily just to see & drool over you & yours please Sir stay well keep making more vids of you like a spontaneous photograph un posed non professional are the best to capture a gorgeous big cocked hunk as you...take care..
it may not be a professional video or maybe not a real porn star but whom ever he is man alive his cock uncut with lot of delicious foreskin (meu encanto) that's a gift... his cock has a personality all it's own whole video is damn hot