A black man and his son trained me while I was growing up. But after I was in the military, I thought I wanted to be a man and looked for a girl that could live with my small usually limp baby penis. She was way above my pay grade and when she asked for me to do things for her. I did without question. I loved everything about her, when she moved it sent chills through my body, She had this way of moving as she watched you watch her, and was the first woman that my tiny limp would tent in my pants. Well I knew it was anyway. Her aroma when she had sex, there was a sexy musk, that drove me crazy. I knew she was the woman I would always love and she knew she owned me like property and still does.
Is that Lauren Gonnello from Old Bridge NJ ???? Can anyone confirm? And what year was this recorded?
Nothing better than finding secret videos online of your girlfriend and later wife fucking black men for years, as you get left out sexually. My wife had me jerk off in front of her, when she allowed me sex. She would always tell me I was going to get sex and sometimes even started to jerk me off, but she would then say something like, "I just can't touch that tiny diseased nasty pink wiener, so you will have to finish up.". Sometimes she would twist and pull hard on my nipples as I jerked myself off. Then very rarely sometimes she would have me jerk off when she was with her black pimps and masters, just for their fun and my degradation.
Can anyone confirm? And what year was this recorded?