Die ehefrau hat sicher das Girl von einer Sex Agentur bestellt, da sie selber kein sex will mit ihrem übergewichtigem Mann, vielleicht arbeitet er auch nicht und ist tagelang im bett ohne sich zu waschen, hatte so eine Dokumentar serie im TV gesehen, das es viele solche übergewichtigen arbeitslosen gibt wo nur noch zuhause sind und nichts machen. Da kann ich die Ehefrau schon verstehen das sie selber kein sex will mit ihm, aber nett das sie schaut das er zum sex kommt. Sehr nett und ok
The wife must have ordered the girl from a sex agency because she doesn't want to have sex with her overweight husband herself, maybe he doesn't work either and is in bed for days without washing, had seen such a documentary series on TV that many There are such overweight unemployed people who are only at home and do nothing. I can already understand the wife that she doesn't want sex with him herself, but nice that she looks that he comes to sex. Very nice and ok
What a gorgeous young-looking little wife... could almost be the newlywed from just down the road... Most certainly isn't a stranger to big black cock... the way that huge fuck log slipped right into her pussy.... I think this little lady is slipping out when hubby is at work to get her daily fill of black cock and cum... superb movie....
The wife must have ordered the girl from a sex agency because she doesn't want to have sex with her overweight husband herself, maybe he doesn't work either and is in bed for days without washing, had seen such a documentary series on TV that many There are such overweight unemployed people who are only at home and do nothing. I can already understand the wife that she doesn't want sex with him herself, but nice that she looks that he comes to sex. Very nice and ok
Most certainly isn't a stranger to big black cock... the way that huge fuck log slipped right into her pussy....
I think this little lady is slipping out when hubby is at work to get her daily fill of black cock and cum...
superb movie....